24 February 2022
Learning about: How to code for the Web
Are you looking to build a very successful career in the Web development sector and want to know, How to code for the Web? If so then by learning how to code you could have many benefits. These include include learning about how you could hand-craft your own websites, or become a career coder. You could even consider starting a technology business. Being in the business of PHP Training in Kolkata. we thought it would be appropriate to share with you some simple ways in regard to how you could learn to code.
Get to know how to code
Currently many of us are taking a leap into the
web development industry. On the other hand those who are established are constantly migrating to or learning new web technologies. The internet currently has many technical, in-depth tutorials for anyone looking to explore. But a recent move toward offering visually-based,
highly interactive training materials has widened the possibilities considerably.
To begin with let us take look at the most popular sites today that offer
online courses in topics related to web development. While some of these suites are free, some have to be paid. Whether you are a beginner or an old hand at the coding game it could help you in many ways.
1.Code Academy
Code Academy is a website which has lessons on
HTML/CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Python, Ruby, PHP, and APIs. Whether it be for help with building a website, mobile or web application development, or anything else you can learn about them here.
The bite-size lessons make it easy to progress at your own pace. You could also skip over portions if needed. If you are already a coder, you could even consider about creating your own course to offer on Code Academy.
2.Code Avengers
This is an online learning platform which offers courses in
JavaScript, HTML and CSS in two subjects – Web Development and Computer Programming. This website makes use of interactive tutorials and gradual increases in difficulty as the course progresses. You need no prior knowledge needed.
Courses take from 6-14 hours for lessons plus 10+ hours for project completion. This is not a free platform and needs a nominal amount of payment for accessing the course.
3. Code HS
This site makes use of short videos, examples of code and exercises to teach introductory programming. Available courses cover basic JavaScript, HTML, graphics, animation, and data structuring. There is free trial of basic computing course. There after there is a nominal paid membership fee. It has an Interactive code console and progress tracker in the Teacher accounts as some of type unique features.
4. Code School
This website focuses on learning by doing. It combines teaching videos, interactive browser coding and gamification to attract users. Courses range from beginner to advanced level and cover topics like
Ruby, JavaScript, HTML/CSS and iOS applications for iPhone and iPad devices.
Each course has a minimum of five levels. Users move from level to level by completing a series of code challenges. This site has a 2 day free trial and paid membership fee.
5. PHP Kolkata
At PHP Kolkata too you could start to learn to code right from the beginning and go to the most advanced level topics like PHP Securities and do on. We have great faculty who are very experienced and up to date with the latest developments happening in the world of web development and coding.
We are shortly starting our instructor led online
course on PHP development. It would be a fully interactive
online PHP course which would cover all the aspects about coding in great detail. So in case you are seriously looking to learn about coding, this could be your best chance to learn about the same. To know more please