13 December 2022
Pros and Cons of PHP certification from PHP Kolkata
Before you embark to take any career option it is important that you everything about its scope in great detail. So too is the case with a PHP Career. In case you are planning to take up a career in web development in the IT industry, it is the same. It is the reason that in this blog we will try to make you aware about the pros and cons of PHP Certification from PHP Kolkata. We had in earlier blogs like the one titled “Prospects of PHP jobs in Kolkata" explained the scope of PHP related jobs in Kolkata. Now let us specifically understand what you stand to gain in case you obtain a PHP training certification from PHP Kolkata and at the same time know what could be the risks involved.
Pros of PHP Certification from PHP Kolkata
As already explained in other topics in our blog section, we have established that as a PHP Programmer you could have a great scope in your career. PHP is now one of the very web development languages being used worldwide. Thus there is always a great demand for PHP developers at all times. What is best about acquiring knowledge in PHP in Kolkata is that there a many PHP development companies which have come up in Kolkata itself. These companies are always on the lookout for top PHP programmers who have a good working knowledge about the field.

The advantage you have as a PHP certified programmer from PHP Kolkata is that we are tied up with all the leading top PHP development companies of Kolkata. With our comprehensive PHP Course from PHP Kolkata you can have a complete understanding about PHP development since you would gain not only theoretical knowledge but practical knowledge as well. This you would acquire by working on live projects during our course. The faculty at our Training Institute is having complete knowledge in the field are can act as the best guide since they work closely with the industry professionals. Thus you can always stay totally the latest developments happening in the industry.
So if you are really serious about your learning during the PHP course you can be sure that you stand a lot to gain with the PHP Certification from PHP Kolkata. You could even expect monthly salaries of more than Rs 50,000 per month in experienced roles, even in Kolkata with the right knowledge in PHP.
Cons of PHP Certification
Though the benefits of PHP development are many which is why it is such high demand but according experts there are certain drawbacks as well. The first of them being, that it is an open source platform and security may be an issue according to some experts. Some experts are also of the opinion that it is not very modular, which is why it may not be suitable for large applications.
However the drawbacks are very limited. This is why the popularity of PHP for web development OS growing unabated worldwide.
Thus to conclude we may say that with PHP Certification from PHP Kolkata you would have a lot to gain. It could be the perfect launching pad for you for a high flying web development career. To know more about our PHP courses and other details please visit our website.