Dassnagar Infosystems

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About Us

Dassnagar Infosystems is an Offshore Software Development agency in India who aspires to be the global choice as a reliable Offshore Outsourcing powerhouse by means of : Delivering workable solutions in diverse and complex areas with a strong focus on implementation and integration, Delivering cost effective web solutions by implementing an on and offshore software development models, IT technical Staffing etc, Providing superior service to clients to help them achieve competitive advantage in the global market place, Recruiting and retaining the best of software engineers and brand managers is the greatest challenge that a software development company faces in Indian market. We strive to groom talents and then retain them with ESOP and projecting the growth plans. Our competencies lie in onshore and offshore software development, maintenance and offshore project management services. As a full service Software Development Company in India, we offers a wide range of Internet solutions and offshore software outsourcing + IT Manpower staffing related services to clients in USA, UK, Europe, Australia, and major parts of Asia Pacific Region. With over 350 personnel now, the company soars high in terms of new and innovative Application Development service offerings and profitability. Our Offshore Software Development capabilities can be scaled to fit diverse project needs. Our Project Managers undertake complete project responsibilities from start to finish and/or provide software consulting services in conjunction with other parties such as advertising agencies, PR firms etc. and guarantees complete client satisfaction. Being an SEI CMMi Level 3 certified Indian Software Development company, we are determined to deliver CMMi quality through scientific software engineering and quality assurance plan in our operations and fulfil the needs of our customers by exceeding their expectations in developing software which meets all quality norms.

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  • Profile Since:

    8th May 2015

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